For Dale's teaching website, please visit:

Island Brass Academy

Harambee: Canadian Music for Trombone
CD available here

Listen on Apple Music

Welcome to the website for Canadian trombonist Dale Sorensen. In addition to information about Dale and his performances, you will find some useful resources, including:

The Canadian Trombone Project (list of compositions and more)
Discography of Classical Trombone CDs
Trombone Tips for Composers
and lots more!

"It's always great to experience something that's enjoyable while also being somewhat innovative and exciting. This is something that trombonist Dale Sorensen's new CD personifies. Not only does he support the works of his own nation, but promotes them in a top-class manner. Well worth a listen!." - Glissando Magazine (UK)

"Island trombonist Dale Sorensen was outstanding... His tone was mellow and noble, his timbre, resonant and commanding... his solo was inspiring, sensitive and passionate." - The Guardian

For Dale's teaching website, please visit Island Brass Academy.
